
아래 내용은 Udemy에서 Pytorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence를 보고 정리한 내용이다.



Modern RNN Units


GRU is like 간단한 버전의 LSTM 과 비슷하다.(파라미터가 적고 thus more efficient )


simple RNN이 is not enough 는 vanishing gradient 때문이다.

 vanishing gradient해결하는데 ReLU 사용 ????????

하지만 더 효과적인 GRU, LSTM를 발견하였다.


Simple RNN은 수식이 하나이다.



recurrent Unit

SimpleRNNs have no choice bue to eventually forget, due to the vanishing gradient 

binary classifier (logistic regression neurons) as our gates 


SimpleRNN 은 long-term dependencies에 학습 할 떄 문제가 있다.

the hidden state becomes the weighted sum of the previos hidden state and new value(allowing you to remeber the old state)

these are controlled by "gates" which are like binary classifiers /logistic regression / neurons

GRU less parameter > more performent



LSTM(long-short term memory)



Simple RNN GRU LSTM code


input_size = self.D,

hidden_size = self.M,

num_layers = self.L, 

nonlinearity = 'relu',

batch_first = True





input_size = self.D,

hidden_size = self.M,

num_layers = self.L, 

batch_first = True





input_size = self.D,

hidden_size = self.M,

num_layers = self.L, 

batch_first = True



A more challenging Sequence

pytorch nonlinear sequence Linear code

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
series = np.sin((0.1 * np.arange(400)) ** 2)

data 만들기

T = 10
D = 1
X = []
Y = []
for t in range(len(series) - T) :
  x = series[t:t+T]
  y = series[t+T]

X = np.array(X).reshape(-1, T)
Y = np.array(Y).reshape(-1, 1)
N = len(X)
print(X.shape, "   " , Y.shape)
model = nn.Linear(T, 1)

criterion = nn.MSELoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr = 0.1)

train test set split

X_train = torch.from_numpy(X[:-N//2].astype(np.float32))
y_train = torch.from_numpy(Y[:-N//2].astype(np.float32))
X_test = torch.from_numpy(X[-N//2:].astype(np.float32))
y_test = torch.from_numpy(Y[-N//2:].astype(np.float32))

모델 학습 

LOSS 확인 하기


ONE-STEP forecast

validation_target = Y[-N//2:]
with torch.no_grad():
  validation_predictions = model(X_test).numpy()

Linear model has terrible result 



pytorch nonlinear sequence SimpleRNN code

T = 10
D = 1
X = []
Y = []
for t in range(len(series) - T) :
  x = series[t:t+T]
  y = series[t+T]

X = np.array(X).reshape(-1, T , 1) #MAKE IT N x T
Y = np.array(Y).reshape(-1, 1)
N = len(X)
print(X.shape, "   " , Y.shape)
class RNN(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_hidden, n_rnn_layers, n_outputs):
    super(RNN, self).__init__()
    self.D = n_inputs
    self.M = n_hidden
    self.K = n_rnn_layers
    self.L = n_outputs

    self.rnn = nn.RNN(
      input_size = self.D,
      hidden_size = self.M,
      num_layers = self.L,
      nonlinearity = 'relu',
      batch_first = True

    self.fc = nn.Linear(self.M, self.K)

  def forward(self, X):
    h0 = torch.zeros(self.L, X.size(0), self.M).to(device)
    out, _ = self.rnn(X, h0)

    out = self.fc(out[:,-1,:]) 
    return out


pytorch nonlinear sequence LSTM code

class RNN(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_hidden, n_rnn_layers, n_outputs):
    super(RNN, self).__init__()
    self.D = n_inputs
    self.M = n_hidden
    self.K = n_rnn_layers
    self.L = n_outputs

    self.rnn = nn.LSTM(
      input_size = self.D,
      hidden_size = self.M,
      num_layers = self.L,
      batch_first = True

    self.fc = nn.Linear(self.M, self.K)

  def forward(self, X):
    h0 = torch.zeros(self.L, X.size(0), self.M).to(device)
    c0 = torch.zeros(self.L, X.size(0), self.M).to(device)
    out, _ = self.rnn(X, (h0,c0))

    out = self.fc(out[:,-1,:]) 
    return out


RNNs for Image Classification



H x W (2-d )



Code preparation

step 1: load in the data

step 2: model

step 3: fit / plot the loss /etc. 


regression is harder than classification

classification 은 라벨만 하면 된다.





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