
아래 내용은 Udemy에서 Pytorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence를 보고 정리한 내용이다.

VIP : Uncertainy Estimation


classification & regression



binary classification

multiple classification




The neural network

2 outputs nodes, 


custom loss: mse

mean squared error


negative log-likelihood



pytorch uncertainy estimation

def generate_batch(batch_size = 32):
  x = np.random.random(batch_size) * 10 - 5
  sd = 0.05 + 0.1 * ( x+5)
  y = np.cos(x ) -0.3 * x + np.random.randn(batch_size) * sd
  return x, y

x ,y = generate_batch(1024)
plt.scatter(x, y , alpha=0.5)

모델 만들기

class Model(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):

    self.ann1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1,10), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(10,1))
    self.ann2 = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1,10), nn.Tanh(), nn.Linear(10,1))
  def forward(self, inputs):
    return self.ann1(inputs), self.ann2(inputs)

loss function 만둘기

def criterion(outputs, targets):
  mu = outputs[0]
  v = torch.exp(outputs[1])

  c = torch.log(torch.sqrt(2 * np.pi * v))
  f = 0.5 / v* (targets- mu) **2
  nu1 = torch.mean(c+f)
  return nu1


model = Model()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())

n_epochs = 5000
batch_size = 128
losses = np.zeros(n_epochs)
for i in range(n_epochs):
  x, y = generate_batch(batch_size)
  inputs = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
  targets = torch.from_numpy(y).float()

  inputs, targets = inputs.view(-1, 1), targets.view(-1, 1)
  outputs = model(inputs)
  loss = criterion(outputs, targets)
  losses[i] = loss.item()

  if i % 1000 == 0:
    print(i, losses[i])
x, y = generate_batch(1024)
plt.scatter(x,y , alpha=0.5)

inputs = torch.from_numpy(x).float()
targets = torch.from_numpy(y).float()

inputs, targets = inputs.view(-1, 1), targets.view(-1, 1)

with torch.no_grad():
  outputs = model(inputs)
  yhat = outputs[0].numpy().flatten()
  sd = np.exp(outputs[1].numpy().flatten() / 2)
idx = np.argsort(x) 
plt.plot(x[idx], yhat[idx], linewidth = 3, color='red')
plt.fill_between(x[idx], yhat[idx]- sd[idx], yhat[idx]+ sd[idx], color='red' ,alpha = 0.5)



Facial Recognition Section Introduction

siamese network

binary classification

"match" or "no match"


Making Pairs

"N choose 2" pairs


Facial Recognition

one time opportunity


A first approach

image classification?

build cnn => 101 classes non - students

한명 나가고 다시 들어왔을 때 어떻게 해야 하는지 ?

백만명 할때는 어떻게 해야 하는지?


Binary Classification:

image -> cnn -> match or not


Siamese Network

2 CNN -> not classify soft max가 없다 -> feature vector

different anger, glasses, ect. hen f(x1) should be close to f(X2)

if we have different people , then f(x1) should be far from f(X2)


face embeddings

contrastive loss

choose a threshold

< 0.75 predict "match"

> 0.75 predict " no match"


Siamese Networks Code Outline

basic image classifier 

set up a losss

minimize the loss


Not a normal image classifier

x = an image

y = the class that the image belongs to

Not exactly what we need for siamese networks

label 등이 없다.



image를 준다. 

id를 설정한다.

label이 아니다.  우리는 그냥 match vs. non-match만 한다.



pairs를 만들기 


Siamese Networks Loading in the data

files = glob('yalefaces/subject*')
N = len(files)
H, w = 60,80
def load_img(filepath):
  img = image.img_to_array(image.load_img(filepath, target_size=[H, w])).astype('uint8')
  return img
img = load_img(np.random.choice(files))
def to_grayscale(img):
  return img.mean(axis = -1)
shape = (N, H, w)
images = np.zeros(shape)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
  img = to_grayscale(load_img(f)) / 255.0
  images[i] = img

label 하기

labels = np.zeros(N)
for i, f in enumerate(files):
  filename = f.rsplit('/',1)[-1]
  subject_num = filename.split('.', 1)[0]
  idx = int(subject_num.replace('subject',''))-1
  labels[i] = idx


label_count = Counter(labels)
count_so_far = {}
train_idx = 0
test_idx = 0 
for img, label in zip(images, labels):
  count_so_far[label] = count_so_far.get(label, 0 ) + 1
  if count_so_far[label] > 3:
    train_images[train_idx ] = img
    train_labels[train_idx] = label
    train_idx += 1
    test_images[test_idx] = img
    test_labels[test_idx] = label
    test_idx += 1


What do we want?

train_label2idx = {}
test_label2idx = {}

for i, label in enumerate(train_labels):
  if label not in train_label2idx:
    train_label2idx[label] = [i]

for i, label in enumerate(test_labels):
  if label not in test_label2idx:
    test_label2idx[label] = [i]
train_positives = []
train_negatives = []
test_positives = []
test_negatives = []

for label, indices in train_label2idx.items():
  other_indices = set(range(n_train)) - set(indices)
  for i , idx1 in enumerate(indices):
    for idx2 in indices[i+1:]:
      train_positives.append((idx1, idx2))
    for idx2 in other_indices:
      train_negatives.append((idx1, idx2))

for label, indices in test_label2idx.items():
  other_indices = set(range(n_test)) - set(indices)
  for i , idx1 in enumerate(indices):
    for idx2 in indices[i+1:]:
      test_positives.append((idx1, idx2))
    for idx2 in other_indices:
      test_negatives.append((idx1, idx2))

subject1 : A,B

subject2: C,D




모델 정의


loss 함수



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