
아래 내용은 Udemy에서 Pytorch: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence를 보고 정리한 내용이다.

Gradient Descent

backbone of deep learning 


k-means clustering

hidden markov models

matric factorization


Big learning rate 

small learning rate

Stochastic Gradient Descent

optimizer = 'sgd'






움직이는 것 

physics momentum


momentum이 없으면 엄청 zigzig가 많이 있다. 

momentum이 있으면 빨리 내리온다.



Variable and Adaptive Learning Rates

momentum is nice: huge performance gains, almost no work. 0.9 is usually fine.

learning rate scheduling

#1. step decay

exponentail decay 


leaning rate: 

너무 크게 해도 안좋고 너무 작게 해도 안좋다.

too slow -> increase learning rate

be careful! may hit a plateau temporarily


AdaGrad:Adaptive Learning Rete Techniques

everything is element-wise

each scalar parameter and its learning rate is updated independently of the others

It has been observed that AdaGrad decreases learning rate too aggressively



Introduced by Geoff Hinton+ team

since cache is growing too fast, let's decrease it on each update:


어떤것이 맞는지도 알 수 가 없다.

major packages have implemented both

Tensorflow initializers cache = 1

Kears initializzers cache = 0



at every batch:

cache+= gradient * 2

param = param- learning_rate * gradient/ sqrt(cache_ epsilon)



At every batch:

cache = decay * cache + (1-decay) * gradient ** 2

param = param- learning_rate * gradient/ sqrt(cache_ epsilon)


epsilon = 10 ** -8, 10 ** -9, 10 ** -10 ,etc ..., decay = 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999, etc...


Adam optimizer

go-to default thes days

"RMSprop with momentum"

exponentailly-Smoothed Averages


RMS = "root mean square"



m and v



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